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10 Ways to Add Slow Living to Your Life

What is Slow Living?

Slow Living is a philosophy that can be adopted to help you live more intentionally and in the present moment. There are different interpretations of slow loving; some people associate slow living with food systems, others use it as a guide for building a greater sense of community. Others use it as a general way of slowing down, doing less, using less in a world that is all about going fast and using more. I cotton to this third idea - embracing a slow day to day life (as much as is possible with a full-time job and family) and finding more purpose and fulfillment. 

Slow Living feels like an old friend, ready to have a nice cup of tea and catch up on life.  

On a more practical note, slow living is one way to lessen the effects of traditional capitalism and consumerism, as well as lower your environmental footprint. It balks at the idea that new is better and pushes back against aggressive marketing that encourages us to spend, spend, spend. 

When you slow down and are mindful about what you bring into your life and how you spend your time, things are made easier. Slow living is also something that can be done in small measures, no matter where you are in life. 

Here are 10 Ways to Incorporate Slow Living into Your Life: 

  1. Identify how you want to live, rather than what you want to have. I’ve always encouraged my kids to think about the kind of lifestyle they want to have, versus what they want to be when they grow up. What kind of community do you want to live in? How do you want to raise your children (if you decide to have children)? How much do you want to work? What kind of work do you think will make you feel fulfilled? How much money do you need to live the life you want?

  2. Declutter Your Life - both physically and digitally. Decluttering can help you take stock of what you already have and create a calmer space.  And since we spend so much of our time tethered to our computers and phones, it makes sense to periodically declutter your digital spaces as well.

  3. Practice Slow Spending/ No spending. If you aren’t familiar with a No-Spend Challenge, it’s a way to save some money AND rethink your spending habits. It’s also a great way to rethink consumerism in general. There is nothing more sustainable than not buying something you don’t need.

  4. Stop Multitasking. 10 years ago, multitasking was all the rage. Employers wanted employees who were nimble and flexible and could do all the things at once. We now know that multitasking actually slows us down and has negative effects on the brain. Instead of trying to do multiple things at once, focus on one activity at a time.

  5. Embrace Delayed Gratification. With the swipe of a credit card you can have anything you want delivered to your house in a matter of minutes, hours or a few day. This has led to a rise in instant gratification. The next time you want to make impulse purchase, sit on it for at least 24 hours. If you still want it the next day, fine. But oftentimes, just waiting a bit allows the urge to pass.

  6. Practice Saying No. The next time someone asks you to do something that you don’t really want to do, practice saying no. Saying no to things that don’t bring you joy or value in your life makes room for the things and experiences that do. 

  7. Notice What's Going on Inside. Sometimes we do things out of habit. Meaning, we don’t really think about why we are doing them. This can be true of spending money or watching tv or eating. If you find yourself gravitating toward actions that you know don’t serve you - such as spending money on things you don’t need or mindless eating a carton of ice cream (no judgment here) try taking a minute and think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. Will you feel better afterwards? Much like the idea of delayed gratification, being mindful of your feelings, especially when they are unpleasant, can help you get off autopilot and choose healthier coping skills.

  8. Seek Intentional Joy.  Slow living is an opportunity to add some joy into your life. Instead of filling the void with spending money or zoning out in front of a screen, do something that you enjoy or have always wanted to try. This might be starting a new hobby, or making a special dinner for your partner (if you enjoy cooking) or spending some time alone in the woods.  

  9. Make Time for Friends and Family. Social connections are hugely important for humans. And yet, we are more isolated than ever. Slow living is an invitation to build or rebuild your community. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen your friends, reach out to them. Make a date for a walk or other easy low cost activity. 

  10. Practice Gratitude. In a rushed world it is easy to take things for granted. Setting aside some time each day to take stock of what you are grateful for, can reinforce your happiness and act as a buffer on a bad day.  

If you would like to incorporate some Slow Living into your life, here is a free printable to help you get started: 

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